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Navigating in Woods
Navigating in Woods

Events and Pagan Shrine Project

Shrine Locations

Offerings at shrines can be used at the shrine when you pray and then taken home, or you may leave offerings that are safe for animals, humans and the environment. You may also add decorations to the shrine with things you won't mind losing or being in the weather. See my blog post about this project:


Shrine to Nemetona at City Park. Take Dittmer Ave to its dead end. Walk into the park and look for the Oak tree with, hopefully, a painted rock that has Nemetona's name on it. Nemetona is the Celtic Goddess of Sacred Wild Places. Prayer for Nemetona: Nemetona, Goddess of green groves and wild places, who hallows the earth beneath our feet, and the tall trees rooted in dirt and clay; she who we find in oak, and ash and hawthorn; she who protects this park and this tree; Queenly one, well crowned, well enthroned, your grace and might well known in times long past; O far-famed Goddess, your name is a prayer of sanctity. Guide us to stand firm-footed and help us know the sacred world around us. Goddess, accept these offerings we bring. We praise you and ask your blessing on our wishes.



Save the Date!


Mabon/Fall Equinox ritual 

September 23rd 6:00 - 8:00


More details soon!


Shrine to Isis at the Nature and Wildlife Discovery Center.
Take the trail from the Pavilion that runs along the river to the wooden post at a roundabout. Look to your left, down to the ground for cactus. The shrine is a little beyond cactus, in the tree under growth. She can be approached for healing, magic and protection. Offerings: Candy, Corn, Milk, Perfumes, Raisins, Rose Petals, Tea.
Prayer for Isis: Divine Isis, Goddess Of Ten Thousand Names, I Invoke Your Grace. Oh Goddess, Dwell In Our Shrine, Make Our Hearts Your Altar, And Our Hearts Your Home. Bring Vision And Healing To All Who Use This Shrine. Give Us Wisdom And Unveil The Truth, And With Thy Feathery Wings Protect Us. Breathe Into Us The Breath Of Life And Health, And Strength! 

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