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Giving and Receiving

Updated: Feb 18, 2021

Our relationship to deities and each other

As Pagans and polytheists, with no need for intermediaries to connect to the goddesses/gods, it is helpful to contemplate what such a relationship might be. Clearly, this only applies to Pagans who worship goddesses or gods. We do have Atheo-Pagans as well.

Since in Paganism we have personal gnosis, how the deities speak to you about your relationship is more important than anything anyone else tells you. However, once you have made contact or want to start a relationship with a deity you are drawn to, considering giving and receiving is worthwhile.

We can give prayers, offerings, contemplation and invoke deities into our circles as a form of giving. Prayers let the deities know we are thinking of them and offering our praise. Specific offerings to deities shows them we have done our homework or listened to them and want to create a space and energy for them to enjoy. Contemplation of deities allows us to draw nearer to them in our mental space for two way communication. Offering praise is a gratitude practice.

What we receive can be clear communication, loving energy sent to us, requests for us to do something, supportive messages, validation and assistance with our magicks. When Hekate introduced me to Danu, Danu specifically asked me to set up an altar for her in my backyard. I have to admit, I have not done it yet, but it is on my list of things to do! Since not much is known about Danu, I look forward to more communication with her to learn more about her. If a deity does not speak to you as clearly, quiet your mind and listen. Believe what comes to you.

Giving and receiving is also important in our relationships with other humans and other living creatures. If you are only a giver in a relationship, this can create resentments. If you are only a receiver, you are not fully participating in the relationship and may develop a dependance on that relationship which is not healthy. A balance of giving and receiving keeps a relationship clear and healthy. Think of how we give our gardens good soil for our seeds and plants to grow, we nourish with water and sunlight and we receive tasty veggies or beautiful flowers. Think of the soil as your own self-awareness. The seeds and plants are your intentions for the relationship. The water and sunlight are how you provide love and support in the relationship. The tasty veggies or beautiful flowers are a healthy sex life (if appropriate), healthy communication and beautiful intimacy.

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