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Everyday spiritual practices

Updated: Feb 17, 2021

Make time every day to connect to your spiritual tradition

As Pagans, we can enhance our spiritual practice by incorporating our understandings into every day life. Here are some ideas. Maybe you have some you'd like to share?

Morning prayer - prayer is not only for the Abrahamic religions. Prayer helps us focus on our spirituality, brings us into communication with our deities and helps ground us for the day. Pray at your altar, pray in the shower, pray in your backyard - whatever appeals to you. Pray to the Goddesses and Gods. Pray to the fae. Pray to the elemental powers or whatever feels right. Pray from your heart or pray specific prayers.

Giving thanks at meal time - giving gratitude for all those beings, seen and unseen who help bring your food to you is a wonderful practice to be cognizant of all life and how we are all interconnected.

Quick meditation - a quick meditation, just closing your eyes and focusing on your breath, visualizing yourself as happy and healthy is a great pick me up during your day and creates a bit of magick.

Movement - During this pandemic, it is helpful to have some kind of movement practice in your life. Yoga, Tai Chi, dance, jumping rope, walking the dog, playing a sport (safely), or using an exercise video are all great ways to keep your body moving and maintain your health as well as keeping you in shape for raising energy in the circle when we can all meet again face to face.

Music - listening to pagan music or any music you love lifts the spirits and brings the blessings of the Muses into your life.

Evening prayer - In the evening, before bed, we might want to pray for good sleep, interesting dreams and to awake refreshed in the morning.

Other resources that might be of interest:

A Year and a Day of Everyday Witchcraft by Deborah Blake

To Walk a Pagan Path: Practical Spirituality for Every Day by Alaric Albertsson

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