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A rain dance

I was fortunate to learn folk dancing in my younger years through the SRJC. One dance we learned from the Israeli folk dances is called Mayim. Mayim mean water and the dance was created to celebrate the finding of water, however, it can also be used to call water or rain. It's a very easy dance and while it's super fun to dance it with others, it can be danced alone. As it was explained to me, the moving into the circle and clapping was to signify thunder and the quick steps with clapping were for churning the earth and the clouds to bring rain. Also, when moving into the center, we sing Mayim, Mayim so we are singing Water, Water.

I see this dance as a spell to call water to the land and invite all of you to try it out and dance it once a day. Perhaps if enough of us do this, we can bring more rain to our parched earth here in Sonoma County and help fill up our lakes and rivers a bit more. Here is a video that shows the dance:

It is also wise to conserve water while we wait for our magic to work. Feel free to add anything to your dancing that makes sense when you do this such as casting a circle first, or having a small container of water in the center or calling on water Goddesses and Gods for assistance. ( Let's see what we can do to help our county!

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