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Boycotts are social justice tools that target economics. They can be very effective, but take a lot of persistence and determination. I hope you all are hearing about the Panera issue and I've included a link here to the Patheos article about it (

Panera is owned by a larger company (JAP Investments - European owned) that includes other brands, such as Peets, Dr. Pepper and Snapple.

It's great to pray or do a candle spell for this situation and then back that up with protests to Panera, including boycotting their restaurants and telling them why. We must let businesses know that discrimination against Pagans will not go unnoticed. Here is what I wrote to them: "I was shocked to learn that an associate of yours was fired for being a Pagan. Religious beliefs have no business being used for human resource actions, particularly when the person in question was not talking about her beliefs. Paganism is a nature based religion and is practiced by many different kinds of people. It is a beautiful and peace loving faith. I urge you to discipline the manager involved and reinstate the employee. Very sincerely, Laurel Holmstrom-Keyes, Pagan Community Minister." The website to send your message is here:

If you have had a similar situation or feel uncomfortable at work being Pagan, please reach out to me for support. I can support you spiritually and we can strategize together how to help you in that the situation.

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