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This magnificent planet

Updated: Feb 22, 2021

The Earth is our Mother and more

This magnificent planet is astonishing. The interconnectedness of life fills the mind with wonder. We see it in the roots of trees, the weather patterns, the jet stream. Watch the program One Strange Rock (Nat Geo TV) to learn how truly fantastic this planet of ours is from the perspective of astronauts and scientists. Our Pagan faiths compel us to contemplate this wonder and work to live in harmony with all life we find on this planet. With Nature as our sacred source of knowledge, we can learn that what happens in one place, affects another. That our actions here affect others there.

In many Pagan faiths, the Earth is seen a Mother image and we see how that makes sense since life is supported by the Earth as a mother supports a baby in her womb. Another perspective from Biocentrism states that life derives from consciousness which supports the notion of the Earth as a conscious being. The gathered consciousness of all the living beings on the planet creates the collective framework for what we see as reality.

For myself, the beauty of the planet is what inspires me. Nature is the most exquisite artist and many of the Earth's places are truly awe inspiring. The Grand Canyon, the redwood forests of California, the beaches of Mississippi, the hills of Ireland and so much more. Just breathing clean air or drinking clean water is a sacred experience. Whenever we feel down or when we feel happy, we can go into the natural world around us and be grateful for living on this magnificent planet which holds us always and shares her wisdom freely.

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