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Changes coming

It is bittersweet to say that I will be leaving Sonoma County in September to start a new adventure in Pueblo, Colorado. As I ponder this and we move towards the Spring Equinox, I reviewed my "Meditations on the Wheel of the Year" and see that Strength as a virtue is what we might consider at Ostara.

I do need strength both physically and emotionally for this change. Physically, because I have to clean my current home to get ready to sell it and strength to move to live with a friend until September. once it sells. I need emotional strength to be without my wife for 8 months and for saying goodby to my 17 year old dog recently.

In my mediations for the wheel of the year, I wrote for the Spring Equinox: "The strength of life itself is astonishing. We see this so clearly at this time of the year in the Northern Hemisphere when seeds start to sprout and push up from being in the darkness of fertile soil. We may also need to prune some of our plants or aspects of our life, so that new things can grow and flourish. Consider that plants push up from concrete in cities, the persistence of nature to renew itself after a wildfire, a flood, a tornado or a hurricane. This demonstrates to us the strength of life, always seeking growth. As Pagans, we understand what nature shows us. We too are seeking growth in our lives as human beings this lifetime. I prefer this concept rather than life has "lessons." To me the lessons perspective signifies that someone has created or determined what we need to learn. This is not my experience as a clairvoyant. Growth is on-going and within each growth period there are opportunities for new understandings or new ways of being. Yes, we may learn things, but what we grow into is unique to each person and guide by their own beingness, that part of them that exists between and through all lifetimes."

I can see myself persisting as the plants do, pushing away any barriers to my own growth during this period. I expect to see growth in myself as this journey unfolds. I have definitely pruned away some materials things as I have packed up the house and considered what is needed to live on my own until September. Organizing and pruning out what is no longer needed is a balm for my soul, even if I'm not moving. But moving is certainly a great catalyst for that process.

I am still available for ministering until I leave the county and folks can still reach out to me for help after that. I just won't be able to meet with you in person, but email, phone calls and Zoom meetings are very possible.

I do hope the Pagan community in Sonoma County continues to thrive and grow!

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