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Cherry Hill "potluck" gatherings

The Cherry Hill community gathers on Sundays at 1:00 to hold a "spiritual potluck supper." We have a theme for each meeting. We do some ritual to start, provide an elegy for the COVID dead, hear a reflection on the theme and then go to breakout sessions to discuss questions prompted by the theme. We end with some ritual. These gatherings are open to all pagans and Earth honoring people. We have some folks that are not part of Cherry Hill and others who are. We have some from UU pagan groups, and others from various traditions. Regulars take turns helping out with the gathering. At our last meeting, I did the grounding and called everyone into the circle. I find these wonderful gatherings, especially now when we cannot meet in our circles or communities face to face. The gathering is free and donations are requested, but not mandatory.

Let me know if you would like to come sometime via my email:


I'll send you the Zoom URL and look forward to seeing you there!

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