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Clairvoyant Spiritual Counseling

Updated: Mar 22, 2021

Clairvoyance means clear seeing and is one of the recognized psychic skills. In my training, I learned about the human energy system, the chakra system and how to heal energetically.

Clairvoyance uses the sixth chakra to look at the energy of another person. The way I see energy is a mix of pictures, impressions and words forming in my mind. Sometimes what I see looks like a movie.

The human energy system is created when a non-physical being comes into a body. The aura and chakra system come into being then. As we experience life, we create beliefs that show up in our energy system.

These beliefs can be found in the chakras (typically very deeply held beliefs) or in the aura or in other aspects of the human energy system. We send our energy out into the world through these beliefs and take in energy from the world and other people through these beliefs.

The Universe lives at the energy of enthusiasm. The Universe enthusiastically supports whatever we put out into the world that then becomes our experiences. The Universe has no judgement, so it will enthusiastically support any belief, positive or negative; appropriate or inappropriate. This is why is is helpful to understand what beliefs are in our energy system and either move them out if not wanted or change them if desired or validate them if wanted.

During a clairvoyant counseling session, I focus on your questions to find the information you need that is contained in your energy system to help you find an answer or a strategy to deal with the issues in your life. I read until we are done. All my sessions are over the phone and I record them. I always do a healing after reading your energy. I have a sliding scale for my clairvoyant spiritual counseling.

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