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Comfort in difficult times

We all need comfort in difficult times. Our faith is one place to turn for such comfort. Often, engaging in routines can ground us again in our lives and provide the space to reflect and seek things to soothe us. Routines are like rituals we do each day to prepare ourselves for the day or how we might end our day. This does not mean we can't change our routines or not follow them some days, but being able to return to the familiar is helpful during a difficult time in life.

What practices do you have to soothe yourself? A favorite meal, petting an animal, listening to a particular piece of music, taking a walk, talking with a friend, napping, curling up with a great book, binge watching a show to take your mind off of your difficulties. I'm sure there are many ways to soothe yourself and they are as diverse as we are as humans. Before a difficult time, it's a good idea to find those things that soothe you, so that you can engaged them when you need them.

Here are a couple of prayers that might be helpful during difficult times:

I stand in the realm of Hecate

Hecate is my shelter and my shield;

I am whole in the realm of Hecate

Hecate is my haven and my home;

I am safe in the realm of Hecate,

Hecate is my solace and my strength

Gracious Goddess Gaia, Mother Earth

As you hold me now, when I am troubled,

when my soul cries out for peace, when tears flow freely

You hold me still, patiently, calmly, sweetly

helping me know that all things change,

while love remains as the center and no matter how

far I stray from that knowing, you bring me back to myself,

as the rain falls back to the ground, as the sun returns each day.

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