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Do No Harm

In Wiccan we have the rede which says: And it harm none, Do what you will.

The new Do No Harm Act coming up in Congress is rightly named and reflective of paganism.

All should be free to follow and practice their religious faith as long as they do not harm others. The website above states: “Despite the intent of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act to protect free exercise and religious minorities, some are misusing what they call ‘religious freedom’ to ignore nondiscrimination laws and deny people access to health care, jobs and government-funded services. This exploitation of religious freedom especially harms LGBTQ people, women, religious minorities and the nonreligious by undermining their civil rights and equality."

"The Do No Harm Act will preserve RFRA’s power to protect religious freedom, while also clarifying that it may not be used to harm others. The Do No Harm Act will amend RFRA to ensure that is not misused to:

  • Undermine nondiscrimination laws

  • Evade child labor laws

  • Deny access to health care

  • Thwart workplace protections (such as fair wage and equal pay laws)

  • Refuse to provide government-funded services

  • Refuse to perform duties as a government employee"

Let your congress members know you support this new Act and why. It's easy to find your representative and all you need to do is give them the link above and ask them to support it.

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