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Fantastic Fungi!!

Updated: Aug 10, 2021

I recently watched the excellent documentary on Netflix called Fantastic Fungi. What a wonderful trip into the world of molds and mushrooms. Mycelium is one of the oldest multi-celled creatures on our planet, and they are between a plant and an animal. Mushrooms are the fruiting body of the mycelium, as you may know, and the mycelium is all around is in the soil, all over the world. Mycelium helps the trees communicate, can give us psycho active experiences, heal us, and helps break down plants, animals and us into fertile soil.

While I am not a personal fan of eating mushrooms, I can still appreciate them and what they do for us after watching this documentary. Certainly, I am encouraged by the new research into psilocybin for help with depression, addiction and anxiety and I hope that more will be done to find other uses for these potent substances. Learning all we can about how nature works only deepens our understanding as Pagans of our home, the Earth and what we can learn to help us in our own spiritual lives. This documentary shows us again, the amazing interdependency of life and how all the different parts of nature work together to create health and beauty. Inspire yourself and see this documentary.

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