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Fully vaccinated

As of today, I am fully vaccinated against COVID-19. This means I will likely be able to visit you in your home, a hospital or other venue. I will always wear a mask until the CDC tells us we no longer need to do that. I can also talk to you on the phone or via Zoom. Please see my site that talks about Pagan Community Ministry and what that means and what services I offer. Most of my services are free. I look forward to helping you in any way I can with your spiritual life, your personal circumstances or your ritual needs.

I encourage all of you to get vaccinated as soon as you can get an appointment. I did have some reaction after my second shot, but it only lasted one day. It was nothing compared to what COVID could have done to me. Follow the CDC guidelines, wear your mask and keep physical distance from others. I understand that this has been hard on many people, however, I encourage you to consider that many human cultures have been through harder circumstances and we are a resilient species. It is truly nothing to wear a mask compared to being in a war and having to go underground while being bombed or hiding from Nazi's due to your religion.

Let us feel grateful for the scientists who found the vaccines. Let us feel grateful for our deities that help us get through these times. Let us be good citizens and care for others as we are all children of this magnificent Earth, so interconnected to all living things with love at the core of our being.

Blessed be.

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