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Hekate as Guardian November 16th

November 16th is a special day to honor the Goddess Hekate as Guardian. In Modern Hecatean Witchcraft, we see her as Gatekeeper, Guide and Guardian. Historically, Hekate’s origins are lost in the distant past. Her cult spread to ancient Greece where she was seen as one of the Titans. She was not killed by Zeus and he gave her dominion over land, sea and sky. She became known as a matron watching over the household and from this role grew offerings at the dark moon and Hekate suppers left at the crossroads. She also appears in the Demeter and Persephone stories as the one that can go between the worlds of life and death.

It is Her Guardian nature that we honor on November 16th. She is the light-bearer helping us transverse the lonely caves we make for ourselves or our deep, personal Underworlds. She stands by us, holding her torches of protection over our difficult emotions. She guards our passion, helping us use our intensity for the highest good. When we feel despair, or less than, or stuck or depressed or anxious or we feel guilty or sad, Hekate’s torches shine a penetrating light, soothing the intensity and allowing us to clearly see those feelings, what causes them and how to integrate them into our being. In this dark time of the year, coming to terms with the feelings that no longer serve us prepares us to create ourselves anew at the Winter Solstice. In this darkness, with Hekate by our side, we can pierce the core of creativity and allow our voice and our passions to align.

Also, in modern Hekatean Witchcraft, we see this aspect of Hekate as Guardian of the Marginalized. Cyndi Brannen makes a good argument from ancient sources for this modern understanding. First and foremost is Hekate’s capacity as the World Soul, Anima Mundi, which is the very essence of all creation. Hekate Pammetor or the Mother of All highlights her maternal role for all humans including the most vulnerable. Her roles as Guardian of Children and Nurse of Childbirth shows her special consideration to women and children, both often vulnerable groups in the ancient past and today. Many of her epithets can be seen as helpful to the vulnerable - Helper, Healer, Savior, all nurturing, evil destroyer, providing strength and transformation.

To me, in her role as World Soul, she is our Guardian of the Earth, our amazing home that we need to care for. Hekate can give us the energy to keep going in our efforts to help the Earth regain balance. She can shine the light of her torches on those who are ignoring the signs of climate change and show them the underworld they must face to remember that their home is sacred. She can protect those who are most vulnerable to climate change, speaking through their intuition and in dreams.

Hail Hekate, Anima Mundi

Hail Hekate, Anima Mundi

Hail Hekate, Anima Mundi

She who is the very soul of the world,

Within us lives the same spark

That fuels all of creation

And birthed the universe

Hail Hekate, Anima Mundi

Hail Hekate, Anima Mundi

Hail Hekate, Anima Mundi

She who is tender and loving toward the marginalized

Within us lives the same tenderness and love

That lifts up and comforts the vulnerable

And includes all in her motherly arms

Hail Hekate, Anima Mundi

Hail Hekate, Anima Mundi

Hail Hekate, Anima Mundi

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