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Updated: Feb 16, 2021

I am a devotee of Hekate

Hekate is my go to Goddess. She called to me many years ago and this past year I have professed my devotion to her.

Here is a prayer I use everyday. You are most welcome to use it.

Wood carving of Hecate

Hail Hecate!

Hail Hecate, Eternal Queen

May I be grateful for the gift of time

Hail Hecate, Guardian of the Crossroads

May I be brave through all life's transitions

Hail Hecate, From Whom All Things Come

May I be ever in your favor

Hail Hecate, Fair Empress

May I be ever wise

Hail Hecate, Torchbearer

May I ever be a light in this world

Hail Hecate, Keeper of the Keys

May I be ever willing to accept your keys

Hail Hecate, Savior

May I be ever compassionate

Hail Hecate, Opener of the Gate

May I be ever ready

Hail Hecate, Mistress of Beginnings

May I be ever willing to embrace the new

Hail Hecate, Bless me with your gifts

Bless those I love and those who feel alone

Hail Hecate, Hear my voice

Know my great gratitude

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