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Int'l Trans Day of Visibility

As a member of the LGBT+ community, I honor the International Day of Trans Visibility.

Our trans brothers and sisters and non-binaries are so special and wonderful. They have so much to teach us about gender and privilege. It takes such courage for Trans folk to become who they truly are and we need to celebrate that. Our ideas about gender in this country are woefully backward when we only see cisgendered folks as worthy of recognition. Trans people face horrible violence in addition to just plain discrimination. Additionally, trans people of color are often the recipients of such violence. Those of us in the LGBT+ community and in any community need to educate ourselves about trans issues and stand up for trans rights.

Paganism is welcoming to all, no matter your gender identity, sexual morphology or any other identity. Just as nature is more robust with diverse communities, whether those be of plants or animals, we can see ourselves as becoming more beautiful and loving as we embrace our diverse communities.

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