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Learning from Nature

I recently read an article about what scientists are learning from studying human reproduction. This article describes that the egg is actually more powerful than previously thought and it is the egg that lets the sperm in, not the sperm that makes it's way in. Additionally, the sperms help each other get to the egg. To me this indicates that cooperation is a fundamental aspect of reproduction and boundaries are maintained by the egg.

It is my hope that such understandings begin to permeate our consciousness so that we realize that competition is NOT part of reproduction and boundaries are expected from the egg or female. It is women who need to make the decision about who enters their bodies and this is grounded in not just feminist theory, but also in scientific understandings of human reproduction. What we can learn from Nature never ceases to amaze me!

The plethora of accusations of sexual assault, or sexual misconduct against men these days is finally bringing toxic masculinity out in the open. As pagans, we have the opportunity to offer boys and young men alternative ways to see masculinity and we can also affirm non-binary identities as part of our pantheons and lives. How different it would be if all children were encouraged to explore their own understandings of gender identity and given multiple examples of people of all kinds of identities displaying a variety of characteristics.

Even our own correspondences in our magical and spiritual practices could use some exploration to make sure we are not gendering everything according to outdated cultural standards. Men can be tender and loving. Women can be fierce and protective. Non-Binary people explore what it means to be human without any strictures of gender. While I do not think we can not "see" gender, because gender understanding is found in very, very young children, we can still influence how we think about gender and affirm all gender identities.

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