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Mudra to help the mind and connect with the Divine

James Divine, Palm Reader and Madam Pamita ( did a terrific workshop at Pantheacon talking about how hand positions in the Tarot give further insight into the meaning of the cards. My understanding is that they are working on a book together to discuss this technique. I received an email from James that I wanted to share with you. You can see his website on the picture.

Here is a mudra that helps us master our mind, and our connection to the Divine source.

Touch the tips of your fingers together to connect with your higher self, and with the Divine. This creates a type of energetic circuit in your body, activating your connection with the universal wisdom.

To use this Mudra: When you wish to “rise above” the fray, and get connected with the bigger picture, and the knowledge and love from the universal source, you can do the following:

Touch the tips of your fingers together (to the best of your ability), and state your intention - related to power over your mind, or related to your connection with your higher self, or universal wisdom.Holding the mudra, take three breaths: breathe in through your nose to the count of 8. Hold for a moment, and exhale through your mouth to the count of 4 and hold for a moment. Do this three times, while thinking about your intention. Pause and listen. As you come back to regular awareness, notice a bit of calmness, and wisdom about your situation occur.


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