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New Pagan God/dess?

I recently read an article on Patheos about new Gods and Goddesses in Paganism. Here is the article, if you would like to read it yourself.

It reminded me of when I was a young witch and we were told about Shirley Kramer, the Parking Goddess. The story was that she was a waitress, so you had to keep asking her for help and "she'd get to you." It was kind of a joke, but we actually starting using it when we needed to find a parking place. As we drove around, we would invoke "Shirley Kramer, we know you are busy, but if you could show us a parking place, that would be great. We will be patient and we know you will come through for us." Lo and behold, pretty soon a parking place would appear. We loved that!

As I have grown in my understanding of Paganism and Occult philosophy, I understand that the more we give energy to symbols or thoughts the more "real" they become. Just as we pray and invoke ancient deities to bring new life to them in the present, we can also create our own symbols and deities for our modern times. I'm curious if anyone else has encountered "new" deities or heard of any or created any?. As a hard polytheist, I love learning about new deities and their stories.

The article also talks about personal gnosis, which to me is a wonderful aspect of Paganism. That we can find our own truth, our own understanding, our own way to the Divine, is what's makes Paganism so dynamic. I tend to disagree with her statement that individuals or small collectives cannot create new deities. From my perspective as a clairvoyant, whatever an individual puts intense attention on will create whatever is intended. This sounds like magic, doesn't it? I personally believe that if enough energy is given to a symbol or deity, it can start to "live" on its own. An excellent example of this is Jesus. If you research the existence of Jesus as a historian, there is actually little concrete evidence that he actually existed as a living man. The gospels are not historical documents and the stories they tell only help create the deity we call Jesus. So much energy has been put on that concept, I believe now, Jesus does have an existence in the non-physical that can be contacted, if desired. While I have no desire to do so, I can make sense of those to declare they can.

I believe our relationships to deities are very special and powerful. What we can learn and understand from those interactions are precious. We deepen our ability to awaken our divine selves as we ponder wonders of the universe, both physical and non-physical.

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