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Updated: Jun 26, 2022

Today, the Supreme Court overturned Roe V. Wade, taking women back 50 years. Whatever you think about when life begins, it is no one's business what a women does with her body. Period. In fact, this whole debate is focused on the wrong group. Women cannot get pregnant without sperm or a man. Unwanted pregnancies are a man's problem, not a women's problem. Sure, it is a problem for her if she gets pregnant, but it's the man's fault for not using contraception. Did he ask her if she wanted a baby when they had sex? Until men start taking responsibility for their role in reproduction, they have NO business having an opinion about abortion. Women are NOT second class citizens. We are mothers, grandmothers, daughters, aunts, nieces, friends, and lovers. We are in charge of our lives and our own bodies. No other idea will do. This goes for all people with a uterus no matter how they identify.

I have been a feminist most of my life and this latest assault on women must be answered. It is time for the magical community to step up. Pagans say they revere women and worship Goddesses. Walk your talk. Work whatever magic you think is powerful to stop this insanity. Ask RGB to haunt the Justices. Work magic to open Justice Thomas' heart or make him ill, whatever your preference or values tell you. Work magic to pressure congress to hold the Justices accountably for lying to congress. Work magic for all women to be able to freely decide when and where or if they want children. I'm sure there are as many ways to work magic as there are Pagans.

Witches have always been on the side of the oppressed and helped those who had trouble helping themselves. Now is the time for all witches, and other pagans to inhabit our magical powers at full force to stop this country from sliding into fascism. We need to continue to move forward, not backward. Don't think small. Think big. Be big. Let's show ourselves and the world that witches are still here and still helping the oppressed.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg

We call you as we know you are spinning in your grave

We honor you as a Mighty Ancestor, a fighter for justice and for women

Zikhrono livrakha (may her name be a blessing)

Take up residence in the Supreme Court

Remind your former colleagues of their solemn duty to uphold the law and precedent

Haunt their dreams with your voice and image, reminding them of your own fights

Gather up all the women of conscience to vote in the next election and to only vote for those who support a woman's right to choose.

We thank you and bless you.

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