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Prayer for Peace

Prayer for Peace October 7th 2023

Oh, Hekate, Ancient One, She who is the traveler between the worlds, she who is our World Soul, you who comforts us in our sorrow and lights the way back to wholeness; help those losing their lives to war find comfort as they cross the veil, hold those who remain in your loving arms as they wail for their dead.

Oh mother Isis, great art thou in thy splendor, mighty is thy name and thy love has no bounds, hear our cry. Spread your wings across the war zone protecting both sides from more death and destruction. You who know the anguish of murder, let your tears fall upon the battlefield and stop the bloodshed.

Odin, All-Father of the Northern lands, you who hanged from Yggdrasil, the tree of life, for nine days and nine nights in order to gain knowledge, who chose to gain another perspective, help the humans of this world see themselves as the same species, diverse as nature and all being of worth.

Eirene, most gracious of goddesses, fair of face and tender of heart, daughter of Zeus and clear-headed Themis; easer of tension, soother of wrath, resolver of conflicts, we pray to you, Eirene, that our Earth be touched by your gifts.

Eirene, Greek Goddess of Peace

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