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Rant about guns

What I will say maybe not appreciated by some, but here goes.

The only reason for guns is to kill things. There is not other reason. It is a weapon. Sure, there are some who like target practice and even archery is now a sport and is only focused on targets. However, archery used to be the weapon of choice in the ancient past. Even hunters who use guns or bows and arrows are killing. We may see that in a different light if we are starving, but at least animals eating each other is part of nature.

Let's stop a minute and think about weapons. The word weapon means an object used in fighting or war or something used against someone. (my emphasis) - Cambridge dictionary. Here we see that guns are meant to harm. That is all they are about.

Let's think about our Wiccan Rede. Even if you are not Wiccan, "Do what you will and it harm none" is a good, short statement of faith that says we encourage freedom, but see the interconnectedness of all things and know that those we hurt interrupts the web of life in ways that are potentially harmful to us.

Weapons, in my mind, should never be used since I am a pacifist. I believe, if we wanted, we could resolve our disputes without violence. Weapons should never be given to children for sure and rarely to anyone. If we truly needed a weapon, I would want someone who really knew how to handle it to be in charge, whether it be a gun or nuclear weapons - which should NEVER be used. In what circumstance would a gun be needed if we resolved to solve our disputes without violence? Why would an 18 year need a gun, if he grew up learning how to solve disputes without violence?

Be aware of who is supported by the NRA, an organization dedicated to weapons in the hands of anyone who wants them.

Senators bankrolled by the NRA: Mitt Romney: $13,648,000 Richard Burr: $6,987,000 Roy Blunt: $4,556,000 Thom Tillis: $4,421,000 Marco Rubio: $3,303,000 Joni Ernst: $3,125,000 Josh Hawley: $1,392,000 Mitch McConnell: $1,267,000 Ted Cruz: $176,000

Also, from the same source - Public Citizen on Twitter: Today is the 144th day of 2022. The Uvalde shooting is the 212th mass shooting of 2022. Gun violence is a public health crisis.

Let's start calling it for what it is. Weapons are a public health crisis. 20 people were killed in Uvalde by a weapon used in war by an 18 year old.

Our US culture is more comfortable watching violence and weapons used for violence in movies than we are seeing sexuality expressed between consenting adults. There is something terrible wrong with that. As Pagans, we need to resist and remove such cultural beliefs and celebrate sexuality in its fabulous diversity and decry violence and particularly the violence that uses weapons. Yes, I think war is state sanctioned murder.

I am very aware that some find themselves affirmed by warrior archetypes or warrior gods and goddesses. As a pagan, I would never ask any pagan to change their path. I would only offer my perspective for contemplation and would hope we all want to be self-reflective in our spiritual understandings.

I ask all the Mother Goddesses to hold the grieving families and let them weep and find their own way through their grief. I bless those who died at the hand of violence recently in Uvalde and all those who perish through violence. May you find rest and peace and rebirth. May we all do what we can to rid the world of violence and find excellent ways to solve our disputes through communication and understanding. And most of all, may we love one another fiercely where ever we stand.

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