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Spirits, Energy and Biocentrism

John Beckett recently wrote about the notion of whether spirits and energy are the same thing or different. He approaches energy with the mind of a scientist and spirits from the perspective of a magical worker.

From a clairvoyant perspective, I can offer my understanding to this question. To me "spirits" are beings without bodies. They may have been in a human body previously or may have never been in a body. These beings are not necessarily more wise than we are and some still have issues we would see as "human" issues. Some non-physical beings are created from thought forms that have been thought about for a long time, such as deities, fairies, elementals, angels, and other types of mythical beings.

Energy, according to Beckett, has the "capacity of doing work." To me, energy may be that in the physical, but in the non-physical, energy can "carry" things, such as healing, life force, forgiveness, etc. Sometimes the energy I "see" clairvoyantly is energy with a feeling or perspective. If I'm picking up energy in room, it may take me a minute to determine if the energy I feel is a being or if previous inhabitants left their energy there or current people are creating an energy that I can pick up.

The Biocentric theory of reality troubles these ideas.

The first principle of biocentrism: What we perceive as reality is a process that involves our consciousness. An external reality, if it existed, would, by definition, have to exist in the framework of space and time. But space and time are not independent realities, but rather tools of the human and animal mind.

The second principle of biocentrism: Our external and internal perceptions are inextricably intertwined. They are different sides of the same coin and cannot be divorced from one another.

The fourth principle of biocentrism: Without consciousness, "matter" dwells in an undetermined state of probability. Any universe that could have preceded consciousness only existed in a probability state.

The eleventh principle of biocentrism: Observers ultimately define the structure of physical reality - states of matter and spacetime - even if there is a "real world out there" beyond us, whether of fields, quantum foam or some other entity.

(The Grand Biocentric Design: How Life Creates Reality by Robert Lanza, 2020)

Thus if all reality is generated from our consciousness, the question of whether "spirits" and "energy" are the same or different is only a matter of perception. Perhaps the "energy" or "spirit" we sense is an aspect of consciousness that has collapsed into a particular form that we can recognize or that we brought into being. Biocentrism expands my mind in ways I don't even fully understand, but I'm working on it! Something tells me that this theory has much to offer our understanding of magic, whether we work with energy or spirits in our magical workings.

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