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Tarot musings

I've been interested in the Tarot ever since my Mother got a deck and showed it to me. I would not say I'm very good at it, even now, but I do enjoy reading for myself and I recently got a new deck that I'm enjoying very much. It's called the Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne. What's lovely is about it is that it is very multi-cultural in representation with many modern images while still retaining a lot of typical imagery found in previous decks. She has a very well developed website that shows each card and what it means. ( Affirmations are provided with each card as well as what a reversed position would mean. The writing is uplifting. Chris-Anne says in the book that comes with the cards, "My goal was to create a happy deck that would lift me up, without sacrificing tarot's incredible ability to illuminate any deeper meanings that hid beneath the surface." She has definitely achieved her goal.

A favorite spread of mine comes from the New Feminist Tarot by Jean Freer published in 1982. It's called the Stone Circle Spread.

S1 is chosen by the querent from the fanned deck AFTER the spread has been laid. This card represents the querent. S2 is the card cut to after you finish shuffling the deck BEFORE the spread is laid. This represents cosmic forces acting on the querent.

Next turn up cards 1 - 4

1 - Roots of current phase

2 - recent past

3 - conscious preoccupations

4 - near future, card that takes you out of this phase and into the next one

Now turn up 5 - 7

These represent inner resources available to you in the current phase. These energies have been with you throughout your life and are particularly active in the present time.

Now turn up 8-10

These represent your relationship to yourself

Now turn up 11 - 13

These represent your relationship to outside world. I often read these cards in concert, for example card 8 is my inner life and card 11 is the corresponding outer life. And you can view them as moving through time. Once you move through cards 8, 9 and corresponding cards 11 and 12, you are ready to meet your future phase in cards 10, 13 and 4.

Card 13 together with card 4 shows how you will move into the future.

Of course, you can use this spread with any deck. Let me know if you try it and how it goes!

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