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This Earth is my Sister

This Earth is my Sister by Susan Griffin



As I go into her, she pierces my heart. As I penetrate further, she unveils me. When I have reached her center, I am weeping openly. I have known her all my life, yet she reveals stories to me, and these stories are revelations and I am transformed. Each time I go to her I am born like this. Her renewal washes over me endlessly, her wounds caress me; I become aware of all that has come between us, of the noise between us, the blindness, of something sleeping between us. Now my body reaches out to her. They speak effortlessly and I learn at no instant does she fail me in her presence. She is as delicate as I am; I know her sentience; I feel her pain and my own pain comes into me, and my own pain grows large and I grasp this pain with my hands, and I open my mouth to this pain, I taste, I know, and I know why she goes on, under great weight, with this great thirst, in drought, in starvation, with intelligence in every act does she survive disaster. This earth is my sister; I love her daily grace, her silent daring and how loved I am how we admire this strength in each other, all that we have lost, all that we have suffered, all that we know: we are stunned by this beauty, and I do not forget: what she is to me what I am to her.

I have always loved this moving piece of writing and how it expresses so deeply how I feel about the Earth. This glorious planet is so amazing and as Pagans, everyday is Earth Day to us. Still, it is worthwhile to stop and contemplate Earth Day and consider our own actions and how they affect the planet. To celebrate all her wonders and bask in the beauty of nature. To take time to talk to the plants and animals that live with us. To consider the unseen beings that help nature thrive. To plant butterfly gardens. To welcome bees in our gardens. To dig deep into our own understanding about our purpose and place on this bountiful Earth.

Happy Earth Day 2021!

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