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We need Pagan places

As I looked around Sonoma County for a place to hold a Yule ritual, it got me thinking that we need pagan places to worship or, if you don't like that term, to do ritual. I actually long for the time when temples were built to the Goddesses and Gods and it was known that people would travel to different temples to learn and participate in different practices. Perhaps some day the US will be dotted with temples, but that is not today.

Certainly, we need resources to create temples, resources of all kinds - money, labor, professionals, structure. Until we can conjure all that, we need to consider where we are in Paganism. We have grown substantially over the years and the number of solitaries has grown as well. The coven structure of Wiccan is good and I understand its role in Paganism. However, covens are not found everywhere or are not taking new members. Many solitaries would join one if they could find one. Other traditions in Paganism also tend to want a group to practice with, even if there are home based practices as well. The many Pagan events across the nation show us that we like to gather with each other and learn from each other, work magic together and have spiritual experiences that we can only have in a group.

I have reached out to other spiritual traditions, churches and synagogues to see if they would offer space for Pagan ritual. I have contacted the Lytton Pomo who bought the old Salvation Army property north of Healdsburg to see if they might share space with us. For anyone who has the resources, consider purchasing property to allow pagan groups to gather for ritual or lend your expertise to someone who can and build temples again. I actually have begun to look around, but my ability to purchase land is limited. I believe if we don't ask for what we want, we will never get it. I may never see this dream come true in this life, but I think it's time to get the ball rolling.

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