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Weather Working

Weather working magic is not something I have done often and some may think we can't do such magic. However, I had an experience that makes me think otherwise.

Many years ago, I was taking a folk dancing class from the JC that took place in Guerneville. This class had been dancing together for many years and we were comfortable with each other and comfortable with many of the dances.

One dance we danced often was from the Israeli folk tradition called Mayim. Mayim is the Hebrew word for water. It makes sense that a desert living peoples would create a dance calling for water and it is also a dance celebrating water. The movements of the dance are very magical. The initial steps are starting to gather energy. Moving together into the circle, while saying mayim, mayim, mayim is calling to the rain. The next set of steps are churning the clouds and the clapping is the thunder. This is actually how it was taught to me minus reference to magic. Check out You Tube on how to dance Mayim. There are different versions.

As I've said, we danced the dance many, many times and often rain would begin or come soon after a class. As I ponder the workings of magic, reading many authors who discuss magical practices and attempting to understand biocentrism and quantum mechanics with the implication of how reality exists only from the observation of it, we could use this dance to raise energy and also to visualize rain falling, feeling grateful for the rain as if it has already happened. For those of us that are magical workers, it seems important that we do what we can for the drought in the Western states as well as conserving water in our daily lives.

Here is a little chant: Great Goddess, hear my plea. Grant the wish I chant to thee. Bring clouds both large and gray. Send pouring and gentle rain my way. This could be chanted during the first four repetitions of the dance.

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