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What is Pagan Ministry?

I loved that a member of the Sonoma County Pagan Facebook Page reached out for someone to offer a prayer for an Eagle Scout ceremony. I answered that call and had a wonderful experience. I did not know much about Scouting before this and after doing my research and attending the ceremony, I have a new found appreciation for this activity and am very thrilled that now females can participate fully in Scouting. The young woman whose was the newest Eagle Scout in her troop when above and beyond the requirements!

I'm reading a new book called Constellated Ministry by Holli Emore, who is the Executive Director of Cherry Hill Seminary. She discusses the need for Pagan ministry these days due to the increased numbers of solitaries found in Pagan surveys. She writes " Constellated ministry replaces the old notions of spiritual support concentrated on one leader or location. It develops the skill of recognizing patterns of affinity and affiliation, builds spiritual engagement platforms, cultivates horizontal leadership across network nodes, and provides accessible spiritual support through multiple nodes and leadership cultivation."

One step towards "building spiritual engagement platforms" I'm considering is to create some you tube videos about pagan topics. One topic I'm seriously considering would be about the various elements of Wiccan ritual and what they mean and why we do them. It will be based on Deborah Lipp's book and my own understandings. I'm curious to know if that sounds interesting to folks or if there are any other topics you would like to see?

Also, see my page about Pagan Community Ministry. Given the example above, my list of ideas is not meant to be all inclusive of what I can provide, just some ideas. Most of my services are free of charge, so please reach out if you need anything.

For other leaders or those considering pagan ministry, Holli's book is available from Equinox Publishing.

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